
NCSU Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics - Outreach

Outreach Programs



The Creating Awareness of Agriculture and Life Sciences Disciplines, Degree programs and Discoveries (CAALS 3D)program offers students from the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) an opportunity to be engaged in innovative hands-on research. The goal of the program is to increase students’ awareness and interest in career fields and cutting-edge research within the food, agricultural, environmental and life sciences. The program targets African-American, Hispanic and Native-American youth as these groups are under-represented in the CALS student population.

For more information please see: http://harvest.cals.ncsu.edu/diversity/index.cfm?pageID=1797

Past mentorees:


2010 Tosin Omofoye



2011 Daniel Chiquito, Quentin Stewart, and Chris Bernedo



2012 Nia Crews, Angel Chukwu, and Gabrielle Masseux



The global training initiative (GTI) at NCSU enhances international partnerships among NC State students and faculty, and students around the world through numerous short-term research internships. The goal of these internships is to provide give hands-on experience on the design and execution of agricultural research, while providing an opportunity to improve English skills and experience multicultural work environment.

For more information please see: http://www.ncsu.edu/gti/

Past mentorees:


2009-2010 Bessy Raudales (Zamorano Pan-American Agricultural School, Tegucigalpa, Honduras)



2010-2011 Esdras Carbajal (Universidad Nacional de Agricultura, Catacamas, Honduras)



The Global Engagement in Academic Research (GEAR) program hosts qualified and interested students from China and Taiwan for a five-week long research experience during the summer. The main goal of the program is to enable students to work on projects of interest while gaining cross-cultural experiences. Additionally, the program help students determine if they are truly interested in pursuing a graduate degree that involves research.

For more information please see: http://oia.ncsu.edu/summer-research-program

Past mentorees:


2013 Syuan-You Lin (Zhejiang University)


2015 Lijun Zhao (Zhejiang University), Lei Li (Zhejiang University)